At first I thought I just had build up of wax in my ear. My family doctor said there was no wax buildup. At first, the Meniere’s Disease symptoms were so bad that at times I would have to crawl on my hands and knees to bed. I would then spend one or two days […]
Possible Relief From Meniere's Disease
Do you suffer from dizzy spells? Have you been diagnosed with Meniere’s disease?
I have had Meniere’s disease for several years, and it was so bad at times I would have to crawl to bed and spend one or maybe two days just lying there because I was so dizzy. This could happen on a daily basis. I had to stop working, and haven’t worked for about three […]
Make A Decision To Help Yourself and Your Immune System.
Here Are A Few Ways To Get Started: I came across this comment: “At the front of our minds every minute is the idea that the virus is “out there” and we are working hard to not get sick. But… maybe more important is the fact that now is the time to be building a […]
Vitamins and Meniere’s Disease, Using Nutritional Supplements
How Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements Might Be Able To Help you get Relief from your Symptoms We get a lot of people asking us for information about the connection between vitamins and your symptoms and how David and others were able to start living their lives again. If you had included any personal comments, I hope […]